Keenspace Dropdown Directory V.3.0









Original Dropdown by Steve Tonks

Original Dropdown Template (Download)

Original Dropdown  Tutorial

I've thought about the easiest way to do this tutorial, and have figured that taking it line by line and having you build it from scratch, is the best way as apposed to giving you a hand by hand Download this, and give you lines of stuff you might not know.  And its a bit easier if you are looking at the regular text as apposed to, me point out stuff.  The instructions each are numbered and kept nice and neat. 

1) Load up a new document in your text editor
 Use a text editor ONLY.  That is programs like Notepad and Simple text that do not add anything to the text.  Do no not use a word processsor like MS Word, or Corel Word Perfect.

2)Copy the intro of the script.
 this section deals with everything  from the credits of the drop down as well as the first part of the Java Script.

//lines starting with two slashes are comments/instructions
//Keenspace dropdown developed by Steve Tonks, modified for educational use by Scott Maddix
// Web Site:
//This code is freely distributable but is prohibited from being resold for profit

function goto_URL(object) {
window.location.href = object.options[object.selectedIndex].value;

//IMG SRC URL should point to the absolute URL of the dropdown graphic
//The HREF tag should show where clicking on the image should take you,
//usually to a sign-up spot

3)Edit the script so that your dropdown's picture and link are present.
In this section of the code there are two section in which you will need to edit to present your image and link.  These sections are in Red.  You need to include the full URL's for both the image and the link to your dropdowns's homepage or forum. 

document.writeln('<FORM" SIZE="500"><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD align="center"><FORM><A HREF="YOUR DROPDOWN HOMEPAGE URL"><IMG SRC="PICTURE URL" border=0>');
document.writeln('<TR><TD align="center"><SELECT NAME="selectName" onChange="goto_URL(this.form.selectName)">');

//If nothing is inside the quotes, the text is not a link
//If there is a meta-character included in the name, precede the character
//with a backslach "\" to keep it from interfering with the script
//add new lines as needed, based on these

The sections in red are where you should replace the script with your own information.  Do not change anything but what is in red.  Here's an example.

document.writeln('<FORM" SIZE="500"><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD align="center"><FORM><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" border=0>');
document.writeln('<TR><TD align="center"><SELECT NAME="selectName" onChange="goto_URL(this.form.selectName)">');

4) Create the header entry for your dropdown.
in the next section of your script you will need to create the header in your dropdown.  That is the first option entry or what the dropdown will say when you first load up the page.  Again only change what is in red.

//If nothing is inside the quotes, the text is not a link
//If there is a meta-character included in the name, precede the character
//with a backslach "\" to keep it from interfering with the script
//add new lines as needed, based on these

document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">-----<\/OPTION>');

For continuity sake here again is an example


//If nothing is inside the quotes, the text is not a link
//If there is a meta-character included in the name, precede the character
//with a backslach "\" to keep it from interfering with the script
//add new lines as needed, based on these

document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">Keenspace Dropdown Directory<\/OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">-----<\/OPTION>');

5) create the lines for each one of the comics present on your dropdown
Now in this section things change a little bit.  The code below shows example code for two comics.  but you will probably want more than that.  you will notice everything in the two lines are identical.  except the parts in red.  you can copy this snippet of code and use it list -EACH- comic you want listed. remember to change the title and urls to match each comic on your dropdown.

document.write('<OPTION VALUE="WEBCOMIC 1 URL">WEBCOMIC 1 Title<\/OPTION>');

here's an example.

document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">Decypher<\/OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">Beyond Reality<\/OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">Deity Permit<\/OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">Angry D. Monkey<\/OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">Pimpette and Associates<\/OPTION>');

6) Finish this up with the last bit of code.
Now that you are almost done there's only the last bit of code.  One is to show people where you got the code to do this (and to give props to the dropdown directory) and the last is to close the script. 

document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">-----<\/OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">Dropdown Directory 3.0<\/OPTION>');


7) And thats all.  Just close and save.
next you'll need to save this text document as dropdown.js The dropdown can be what ever you want it to be, I just use that for simplicities sake.

8) upload it to your keenspace site.
once you ftp your way into your keenspace site you can just upload the dropdown.js file, into your public_html folder.  I suggest making a new directory called scripts and put the Js file in there. again so you remember where it is on your keenspace site.

9)All thats left, is to link it to your site.
You've probably seen this little html tag around, specially if you are on other dropdowns.  but once your ready to spread this script around, and link it to your site, just put this little code where every you want it on your  Index_template.html

<script language="javascript"

10) Give yourself a pat on the back.
Your dropdown should be done and once you upload your Index_template.html with the new script tag, to your workspace folder on the keenspace ftp, and trigger a manual update your dropdown should be set and ready to go.

If you messed up somewhere or just want to full script, that we made today.  I've included it below.  all the things you need to change are of course still in red.

//lines starting with two slashes are comments/instructions
//Keenspace dropdown developed by Steve Tonks, modified for educational use by Scott Maddix
// Web Site:
//This code is freely distributable but is prohibited from being resold for profit

function goto_URL(object) {
window.location.href = object.options[object.selectedIndex].value;

//IMG SRC URL should point to the absolute URL of the dropdown graphic
//The HREF tag should show where clicking on the image should take you,
//usually to a sign-up spot

document.writeln('<FORM" SIZE="500"><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD align="center"><FORM><A HREF="YOUR DROPDOWN HOMEPAGE URL"><IMG SRC="PICTURE URL" border=0>');
document.writeln('<TR><TD align="center"><SELECT NAME="selectName" onChange="goto_URL(this.form.selectName)">');

//If nothing is inside the quotes, the text is not a link
//If there is a meta-character included in the name, precede the character
//with a backslach "\" to keep it from interfering with the script
//add new lines as needed, based on these

//If nothing is inside the quotes, the text is not a link
//If there is a meta-character included in the name, precede the character
//with a backslach "\" to keep it from interfering with the script
//add new lines as needed, based on these

document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">-----<\/OPTION>');

document.write('<OPTION VALUE="WEBCOMIC 1 URL">WEBCOMIC 1 Title<\/OPTION>');

document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">-----<\/OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION VALUE="">Dropdown Directory 3.0<\/OPTION>');


Thank you for reading this tutorial, and I hope that it helped you out.  Good luck on your dropdown, and I let us know how it goes...




The Keenspace Dropdown Directory is hosted on Keenspace a free webcomics host, division of Keenspot
Keenspace Dropdown Directory, site design by Phact0rri, I get no money for this so any mental support (or artwork) is appreciated